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 We are truly grateful to the many employers who are so generous with their time and enthusiastic in their involvement in providing work experience placements to Cambridgeshire students. Both The Employability Partnership and the the students themselves are very appreciative of the role this plays in increasing their employability and raising achievement. The feedback we receive from students is overwhelmingly positive, with reports of extremely enjoyable and successful placements in a variety of different areas. 


There are a number of very good reasons for employers to become involved in a Work Experience programme :

  • Wanting to "give something back" to their local community

  • Enhancing the image of their company 

  • Raising the profile of their company or industry, or perhaps breaking down some stereotypes about a particular occupational area

  • Reducing future recruitment costs

  • Improving their own awareness of the education system and building links with local schools and colleges

  • Supporting the professional development needs of the company by helping staff build up training and mentoring skills

Many employers also value the ideas and different perspective that a young person can bring, but it is probably true that for the vast majority of employers this comment from The Swiss Laundry probably sums it up  

“it’s a pleasure to help young people gain experience of working life”

The Employability Partnership visit employers who are interested in becoming involved in the programme to ensure that the proposed placements are appropriate and safe for young people, and that the work and environment is suitable. We can also support employers with advice and guidance on issues such as insurance and the school curriculum and remain involved throughout the process to deal with any queries which might arise.

If you are employer who would be able to provide a work experience placement, please contact us at or by calling us on (01223) 650024


If you think that signing up to provide work experience for a young person is not for you, then please take a look at our "Myth busters" page !

5 Pieces Lane



CB25 9NF


(01223) 650024


© 2013 The Employability Partnership Ltd.
All rights reserved

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